
How to Win at Mother's Day This Year | Boston Family Photographer

New England fall mother daughter portraits

This is my favorite post to write every year. Last year I did something I’ve never done before,  I gave away TWO mini sessions, and I was so amazed by the sweet nominations, I have to do it again this year! One will be nomination based, and the other will be chosen at random. Here’s how to enter:

  1. To nominate yourself, a friend, sister, or any other mama who deserves this, respond to this email with a sentence or two on who you are nominating and why she deserves it. 

  2. Click the “Contact page” link enter in your email address to be entered. That’s it! You will be entered to win a mini session, winner will be chosen at random.” You don’t need a reason (isn’t being a mother enough of a reason to deserve nice photos of you and your kids?)

Two winners will be chosen: one at random, and the other will be chosen by me from nominations. Both winners will be selected on Mother’s Day, Sunday May 12, 2024, and posted on my Instagram story at 10AM.

Important! Mini sessions will take place next Saturday, May 18 at 8:15 and 8:30AM in the Boston’s South End. If you are chosen as a winner, you must be available for this time slot.
*Rain date is Sunday, May 19 8AM and 8:15AM.

As usual, here’s a sweet video of my fav mama photos from this year <3 

Enjoy, and this is your reminder to ask your partner or another family member to take a photo of YOU WITH YOUR KIDS.

New England fall mother daughter portraits
Boston newborn mama candid dog photo
Arnold Arboretum spring bloom photoshoot

Families That Book Every Year, With the DuBuc Family | Boston Family Photographer

boston downtown family photoshoot indoor bulldog toddler

What makes families keep choosing me, your trusted Boston family photographer, to capture those precious moments year after year? I think it has a lot to do with the pictures, but it’s also about the relationships. You want someone who knows your family, who knows how to talk to your kids and deal with your grumpy husband (just kidding dads, we love you!) It’s like a mini reunion every year and I love already knowing the kids going into a session.

Boston beacon hill family photos

If there is one thing I love about family photography, it’s watching families grow and evolve year after year. It's like having a backstage pass to the most heartwarming show on Earth. Seeing your little ones go from crawling to conquering the world, capturing the subtle changes in your dynamics, and freezing those moments that make your family uniquely yours - I live for it.

Massachusetts newborn baby sibling photography
Boston mom dad son family photos

I also love seeing moms and dads go from rookies with newborn babies to experienced veteran parents of confident, well loved kiddos.

New England outdoor fall family portraits

As a mom of a 2 and 4 year old, I feel like they are different people everyday. This time while they are little is fleeting, and I want to capture everything (which is maybe why we all have 1,587,000 videos of them on our phones), but having these yearly sessions to put in an album and look back on, is one tradition I look forward to and will always prioritize.

Boston brothers photo playful candid
Candid kid portraits natural expressions

So, cheers to our yearly tradition of freezing time and creating a visual diary of your family's incredible journey. Whether it’s for spring blooms, summer on the beach, fall foliage, or braving a snowy winter session, I hope to see you again this year.

Arnold arboretum dog family photography

In home sessions and why I love them | Boston family photographer

Your home is special to you. This is number one. It’s where you create a great majority of your family memories, and it’s where you all feel comfortable. I didn’t actually realize how true this was until we did our own family photos in our home last winter. There’s something about the photos in our bed that just hits 

  1. It’s easy. This sounds like a simple answer, but if you have young kids, and you take away the whole element of getting them out the door and into the car or stroller once they’re ready, it’s a game changer. Just getting them dressed and letting them be make all the difference between a stressful session, and a peaceful session.

  2. Weather is not an issue. No checking the weather app every hour leading up to our session.

  3. We have more flexibility in scheduling a time. This is a big one. We schedule outdoor sessions 2 hours before sunset or just after sunrise. The longer the days are, the harder it can be for families to schedule an outdoor session. An outdoor session at 6PM may have beautiful light, but also may be harder on your kids’ dinner and bedtime routine. Indoor sessions are usually scheduled around 10AM, so no sunrise wake-and-go, and no witching hour meltdowns.

  4. Go with a casual wardrobe. Socks and shoes off, get comfy. I usually recommend lighter, solid colors, and very low pressure coordination. And the best part? If someone gets a stain, just change because you’re at home!

Baby's first year: The 4 milestones you want to have photographed | Boston family photographer

New parents ask me all the time - when is the best time for baby photos? Short answer: whenever you decide to take them. Baby’s first year is all around incredible and ever-changing, so don’t stress over photographing them at the “perfect” stage. As a guideline, here are my milestone recommendations within baby’s first year:

Newborn: 5-14 days old. This is the best for those sleepy, curled up, fresh brand-new-baby photos. These are most often done in your home.

3 months: When they start to smile and respond to us is a great next milestone to capture. They may be propping themselves up in tummy time, giggling at us, making eye contact, all those fun, responsive things they couldn’t do as a newborn. I absolutely adore those little toothless gummy grins.

7-9 months: If you’ve followed me for a while you may know that this is my absolute favorite age to photograph. When babies are sitting up on their own, but not quite crawling away yet, and entertained by absolutely everything. I love it. (I also considered this one of the most fun ages with both of my kids). It’s fleeting - they’re going to be on the move in a blink - and it’s really fun to photograph.

One year: The one year milestone is an obvious one. I don’t love it because we get the cutest, most smiley expressions from them, I love it because there’s so much going on with them physically and developmentally, I think it’s essential to freeze time at this age. Whether your baby is taking their first steps or not, they are exploring how to walk and all the possibilities that come with it. They are usually very into mom and/or dad, but also starting to gain their first taste of independence. 

A Tribute to the Mamas | Boston Family Photographer

Moms. I see you. Organizing family photos, juggling schedules, getting outfits together, bringing supplies, making sure the kids (and partners) look happy... all you want is a few good photos since you have none.
Then I get to witness and document these amazing sweet, silly, lovey moments and it's the best.

I hope you have a beautiful Mother’s Day.

How to get natural expressions from kids | Boston Photographer

Nothing compares to a genuine, heartfelt smile from your kids. Throughout the years I have discovered some of the best ways to get authentic emotions out of kids, and I’ll let you in on my secrets. It’s not as difficult as you think, just get ready to be a little goofy!

I absolutely love working with kids. They typically don’t fake how they feel, especially the younger ones, and kids tend to wear their expressions very honestly; creating a light-hearted atmosphere can give you the genuine look you want. When I’m on a shoot, I am always ready for those candid shots to capture them in their natural setting. 

Try kissing them. Babies and toddlers can be the most unpredictable, as one moment they may be laughing then the next it's like a little rain cloud is over them. But one of my favorite ways to bring joy to their faces is having mom, dad, brother, sister, you fill in the blank here, kiss different body parts. Their eyes, nose, fingers-try it all! 

Another safe option to melt those serious expressions is Peek-a-boo. You’ve got to love a classic. This one works best on kids under the age of 2.

Here comes the tickle monster! If you know your child is ticklish this can be a great secret weapon to turn any frowns or discomfort into a toothy grin. 

Toss your child up in the air! (safely)

Who doesn’t love a good dance party and sing along? Dancing can help a child relax and get out any jitters. Young ones love songs, so bonus if you sing in a silly voice. For upset babies, try putting on their favorite song to see if that can crack a smile or at least change the mood.

Make everything a game. See who can jump the highest, or if they can pop out from behind a nearby prop on the count of 3. Play Simon Says-but add an accent! Or tell them to hold a serious face and keep it as long as they can.

Break out the jokes! (Yes, even dad jokes) This one can work on both younger and older children. Maybe it’s a knock-knock joke, or a family inside joke. Perhaps you might even use some bathroom humor for the younger ones-whatever gets them cheesing!

Connection is key for older kids. Teenagers will whip out their phones if they have the chance. Ask them if they have any photo requests so they feel more invested. Find out their interests by taking some time to chat.

Make a funny sound. I tend to use this one for babies and younger children to grab their attention, but you can also make an older kid laugh this way as well.

Take. Breaks. Period. An hour can be a long time for any kid (and parents too if we’re being real here). If anyone needs a break, we take it. Taking 5 quiet mins in exchange for a happy 10 mins is always ok with me. .

Next time try one of these tactics to get a real smile, sometimes it just takes a little trial and error.

My Approach to Candid, Natural Family Photos - Goodbye Fake Smiles | Boston Family Photographer

Can you even imagine that trying to get a few good photos of your kids could be stress free? Or that capturing natural, candid photos of the whole family could even be fun and enjoyable? I know it seems like a pipe dream but it’s really all in the approach. Keep reading for my favorite ways to capture your unique family dynamic, naturally.


You know when you ask your kids to do a task and they completely ignore you? But if you ask the same thing of them, play it cool, make it fun, like it’s their decision, they are all over it. Family photos are no different. Instead of “stand there and smile”, we take more of a “I bet you love your mom so much, how do you show mom how much you love her?!” approach. This allows the kids to be spontaneous and candid, and avoids the fake smiles.


Our sessions are for the families that genuinely love being around each other and playing with their kids. Before our session, we start with a questionnaire to get to know your family better. This gives you the opportunity to think about those silly, playful moments you have at home with your kids, and share them with me so we can recreate them at our session. 


Worried about what everyone’s wearing? I know this can be one of the most stressful things about scheduling your family photo session before you even think about walking out the door. That’s why I’ve put together this guide (click here) that makes planning outfits super easy. I also love being a part of this process, so I always encourage families to send me options if you want my input. The best thing you can do is make sure everything fits everyone ahead of time, and lay out your outfits the night before your session, right down to socks and shoes.

Our ultimate goal is to document your family so you have these memories of how you actually were, how you played, how you laughed, and how you loved each other. So if your kid buries her head in your shoulder for every photo, or will only wear his favorite sweatpants, it is what it is, and I promise you’ll want to remember this phase either way.


The year of the supermom. Moms You need to hear this now

It’s been a year unlike any other. Can we just take a moment to CLAP.FOR.THE.MOMS. The working moms, the stay at home moms, the special needs moms, the home educator moms, the moms that TURNED IT UP this year because we had no choice. I won’t go into the glaring societal pressures of working moms that really presented themselves this year (but read: lots of eye rolls for corporate America totally displaying all the ways we leave working moms in the dust).

You were expected to work full time hours, while also providing your own full time childcare and education for your children. And to my SAHMs, we see you, and the 168 hours a week you’re working.

I’ve done both this year. Neither is easy, both test your relationships, and both can feel like the weight of your entire world is all on you.

But you did it. You’re doing it. Your kids are going to be just fine, and you’ve learned you have freaking superpowers for getting everyone through this year alive. 


To my new moms - it has been incredibly isolating for you. Your village was never allowed to exist. And you did it. You. The sleepless nights, not being able to put baby down and have a minute to yourself, second guessing everything...and all the baby snuggles in the world.


To my toddler moms - I feel you. I’m there. Power struggles, no breaks, life without playdates is HARD. But this bond we formed with our kids? Unbreakable forever.


To my young school aged moms - How? How can you be expected to help your kids learn and give them what they need? You’re not a trained educator, but you taught them about real life. They see you. They admire you everyday.


To my teenage moms - Your fragile teens had everything taken away from them this year. Sports, structure, necessary peer interactions, important milestones. And you still made them feel special and loved.


Everyone has had their own struggles and obstacles. No matter where you think your failures from this year lie, YOU ARE INCREDIBLE. You carried the weight of your world. Cue Beyonce’s “Who Run The World? GIRLS” in the background please. Way to go Moms.


What Is The Best Thing You Can Hand Down To Your Kids?

FAMILY ALBUMS! It’s no secret I LOVE albums. I love all forms of printed photos, but I really really love albums. Admittedly, I am a book person. I was resistant to my (now beloved) Kindle, it’s just so convenient, but I still can’t wait to get my hands on a good book I can turn the pages of.

Do you remember those big, sticky page photo albums our parents had? Yes they are clunky as heck, but there is something special about flipping through the curated pages and seeing the story of Christmas, or someone’s birthday. Much more special than flipping through a hard drive.

Today, more than ever before, it’s so easy to take snapshot…after snapshot…after snapshot, until you end up with a million photos on your phone (that is hopefully also backed up to a hard drive). Having our photos digitally is super important, but having the special ones curated and printed in a beautiful, (archival) leatherbound album that you can hand down to your kids, and their grandkids, is an incredible gift.


Images boxes (shown below) are another fun “album style” way to print, display, and archive your photos too!


Boston Portrait Photographer | My Favorite Place for Family Photos in May

SPRING. IS. FINALLY. HERE. There are so many beautiful rural places to get great family photos in the springtime, but I think my answer will surprise you. Boston. More specifically, the South End of Boston. Maybe I am biased because this has been my neighborhood for almost 10 years but I just love the way the whole neighborhood transforms when the magnolia and cherry blossom trees blossom.


The other thing about the South End is that it has so many options. You can find old, new, colorful, muted, and don’t even get me started on the incredible doorways. I often use people’s stoops, and of course, as soon as I sit a family down on someone’s stoop, the resident comes walking in or out. Luckily they are usually super friendly about it.


I find myself photographing the South End/Back Bay neighborhoods in the fall because of the rich browns and cobblestone, but those backdrops really make the blossoms and spring colors pop. Don’t get me wrong, I love Boston in the fall for that reason in particular, but if it’s foliage you are looking for, you won’t find much in the South End. No, the blooms in this neighborhood are totally meant for spring.


Almost equally as important a perk as the gorgeous scenery? The outdoor patios. I love when my clients plan on heading to dinner at one of the outdoor patios after our session. Luckily we have a lot of awesome families in the South End, so it usually isn’t a problem finding one that is kid friendly – my favorite is Picco. Best pizza in Boston AND they make their own ice cream. Done.

Boston Portrait Photographer | Victoria and family in the city


Victoria is another one of our Class of 2018 Senior Reps! We were so excited to shoot with her and her family, mostly because we already knew how much fun they were. We photographed her older brother Chris last year in the same location. We always encourage our high school seniors to bring siblings, friends, or Mom on their sessions. Victoria’s senior session was a little different because we also were having a family session with her family at the beginning!


She got to have Mom, Dad, and Chris cracking jokes and making her smile while she posed for her solo shots later on in the shoot. We met the Cataldo family at Boston Common and started with some group shots on the benches to get everyone relaxed. There were lots of laughter and inside jokes being thrown around between the two siblings, which of course made Mom and Dad laugh too.


As we made our way out of the park, and into Back Bay, we stopped to use some of the city's’ unique architecture as our backdrop; the mall, the brownstones, the wrought-iron fences.


As the shoot turned into Victoria’s senior shoot, we started to focus more on Victoria’s passion - dance. We are convinced that one day we will see her as the prima ballerina in one of the world’s most prestigious dance companies.


Boy does she have skill and drive! We don’t normally show our clients photos during the shoot, but for Victoria, it was important to see her form and how it photographed. And the results are stunning!


We ended the shoot on the Charles right as the sun was about to touch the water. People passing by were convinced we were shooting a movie or advertisement, and that Victoria was a celebrity. We can see how they thought so!

Boston Portrait Photographer | Newborn Twins in Back Bay


In their cozy of Back Bay home, we met Shannon, her husband Daryl, and their newborn twins for a truly special photoshoot. The twins had come earlier than planned, and were just 5 lbs each. But as the saying goes, good things come in small packages. We started out the photoshoot in the twins’ nursery that was designed by Shannon.


With a palette of creams, gold, silver, and rose gold, as well as stars and furs scattered throughout the room, the nursery was the embodiment of Shannon’s vision for the photoshoot. The twins were just beginning to nod off as we swaddled the two of them in soft pink and blue wraps.


As we started the shoot, Oscar the cat slunk his way into the room. He sat patiently and watched us as we worked, keeping a watchful eye over his new roommates. Halfway though, Grandma popped in to see how her new grandchildren were doing, and found them fast asleep comfy in the fabric and fur that was their background.


After finishing in the nursery, Shannon, Daryl, the twins, and even Oscar joined us in Mom and Dad’s room. The family piled onto the bed and snuggled close, again surrounded in the pinks and creams that Shannon so thoughtfully decorated with.


The results reflect the warmth and love found in their home. Congratulations Shannon and Daryl on your growing family!

Boston Family Portrait Photographer | All the way from Japan


There is something magical for a little girl about a big tulle skirt. Mom and Dad surprised their two daughters with fluffy cream colored dresses at our shoot at the Lyman Estate in Waltham. Hana was so excited by her puffball of a dress that before we even started the photoshoot she was twirling and laughing with delight in the parking lot.


And of course, Hana outfit's was not complete without a flower crown! Kana is a bit too little for a flower crown, but one day soon, she'll rock one like her big sister. This was a special photoshoot for Mom, Dad, and their little ones, as they will be wrapping up their time in the United States and will soon be going back to Japan.


And we had the perfect day to celebrate their time here with crisp blue skies and bright fall leaves to play in. One of my favorite shots is of the whole family sitting together on the porch. Hana was being silly and was swinging around the columns, until she'd run towards Mom and Dad and give them a big bear hug. Kana was cozy with Mom watching all of this ensue until she turned to the camera right at the perfect moment!


We are so glad we could capture these fall memories for them to look back on their time in Boston. I wouldn't be opposed to heading out to Japan for their next shoot though!


Boston Portrait Photographer | The Hodgmans 3 with 1 more on the way!


We’d normally say, “say hello” to little Naomi, but she prefers saying “bye”. One year is such a great age and we love hearing the random sayings they find to be special. In this case, Naomi loves saying bye to people, even when she’s just meeting you! With their home situated near Bulloughs Pond in Newton, we met Nicole, her husband Josh, and their daughter Naomi on a breezy yet sunny November day.


Originally from Chicago, Nicole and Josh lived in the South End of Boston until recently moving out to Newton. They knew they had to move to a home with more space as they are expecting baby number 2 in March! At the beginning of the shoot, Nicole and Josh claimed that they were not photogenic which could not be further from the truth.


Piled on to the bed, the family cuddled close for some very sweet photos. We soon made our way outside to test out Naomi’s new kicks: purple air jordans. Yes. purple. Air jordans. On a one year old. Incredible.


We soon broke out the bubbles and Naomi was so intent on catching them. She wanted to chase after them so badly, and we got some truly precious photos out of it. We sang the baby shark song, threw leaves in the air, and had an overall fantastic time enjoying the last bits of fall.


Boston Family Portrait Photographer | Rogers Family at Smolak Farms


Here's a big welcome to the Rogers Family! Lisa had won a gift certificate that we had donated to Temple Emmanuel's annual fundraiser. Her extended family came together at Smolak Farms in North Andover to have a photoshoot with 3 generations of family members. We settled down in the antique apple orchard.


Lisa's family went first and her three boys and husband all snuggled in together. To get a good laugh out of the boys, we started making noises which no child under the age of 8 can resist. 


It was then their cousin's Emmett's turn with his Dad. He loves giving bear hugs especially to Dad. We soon rounded up all four boys for a cousin's picture. Brody, Lisa's youngest, is very serious for such a young age, but one thing that enthralls us all, including Brody, is our iPhones.


We got quite a few variations of Lisa's husband jumping out from behind an apple tree to grab the phone out of the shot so Brody would give us a smile, and the results were hilarious. The boys were excited at the prospect of picking apples and each found their favorite. (Notice the adult male legs sticking out from behind one of the apple trees.


Each chose a different one, finding big, small, green, and red apples. They showed us their finds for some pictures with their grandparents. However, it was too tempting to just hold their apples, and one by one each took a big bite out of their find.


By the end of the session, we always like to let the kids run around a burn off some steam. Giggles ensued as we chased them (or I should say they chased us!). 

Boston Family Photographer | Chicago Family Visits the East Coast to Create Lasting Memories


One of our favorite places to photograph is the Boston Public Library courtyard. It is a hidden gem in Back Bay, and we had a blast photographing the Tashima Family there. They were all visiting from Chicago and Ohio, and we are so happy they picked Boston for their family photos. They were on a New England vacation together, and Boston was a stop on their way to Bar Harbor, Maine.

No one was safe from these cuties tickles and laughter!

We like to play a game called, “What’s your favorite animal?” which always entails silly animal noises. The kids’ favorite animals were zebras and penguins, leading to neighs, squawking, and chirping. The jury is still out on what a penguin sounds like.


We took a short walk down the street to some of our favorite brownstones and the fun did not stop. From Copley Square to Beacon Street the kids were giggling and smiling the whole way.


Mom and Dad got cozy under a tree and the kids snuggled in. We love capturing these special moments a family has together!

Boston Family Portrait Photographer | The Brooks Family


Did you know some of the best portrait sessions happen on rainy days? The Brooks Family did not let the soggy weather dampen their mood. If anything, it was the perfect excuse to act a little silly and puddle jump! When we asked them if they would be up for playing in the rain, without hesitation they said yes


If anyone has any questions about Sonic the Hedgehog, these cuties are the experts. The boys are avid Sonic fans, and their faces absolutely lit up as they taught us about all their favorite characters. They could not resist running around their home as fast as Sonic can, which of course ended on the couch in a pile of giggles.


Mom and Dad got in on the fun too. Mom stood up and sat on the table, and soon the whole family piled on. We love spontaneous shots like this, because they are often they bring the most genuine smiles.


Pets are always welcome on our photoshoots, as a pet is a family member after all! We loved that Sneakers the Dog got in on a few shots too.

Also, nothing makes me happier than when mom and dad are able to get in a little of their own snuggle time. Usually when we ask the question "When was the last photo you had together?" the response is "our wedding day!" So yes, we like to give mom and dad a few snuggly moments on their own, afterall, this is where it all started. It was particularly sweet to see the way these two make each other laugh without even directing them, so much love.


Boston Family Portrait Photographer | Baby Henry


Welcome Henry! This little guy was a over a week old when we met him at his family home in Danvers. The life of a newborn is tough; lots of sleeping, eating, and posing for the camera. But thankfully, he has two big brothers to help him out.


These cuties are full of energy. Getting three little ones to look at the camera and smile can take some trial and error, but I loved capturing the spontaneous and loving moments this family has together.


From running around playing make believe to dancing along with their favorite toys, they always had time to give a gentle kiss on Henry’s forehead. I absolutely melted when Sully kept on telling me how much he loved his new brother. Mom and Dad are going to have their hands full with these lively boys, but this little family has grown bigger in both numbers and love!


Boston Family Portrait Photographer | I Love My Clients!!!

I love love love when I get to photograph families every year. Being able to see and capture kids' personalities as they grow and develop is part of why I love what I do! And giving those moments to my clients to hold on forever to is the best. THE BEST. 


The Rainens are 3 of my favorite people. I met Kim at a coffee shop at an Andover networking event over a year ago. She said her husband David needed a headshot, so we exchanged info, and I took David's photo a few weeks later. That turned into Kim needing a headshot as well, which turned into family portraits of course! Avi was 8 months old at the time, the perfect age to document him starting to stand and take his first few steps.


Then we photographed his milestone first birthday with a cake smash (which by the way he wanted nothing to do with the actual smashing of the cake). Kim planned his birthday using bright bold primary colors, so we kept with that theme, and I loved how they turned out.


This year, I got to photograph Avi again for his 2nd birthday. I couldn't believe how he had grown into such a little boy. He loves tractors, trains, and BATMAN. When Kim and I were planning for his session, we knew we had to incorporate all of this into his session. When choosing a location, it only made sense to shoot at Smolak Farms, where his birthday party would be. I love Smolak for its versatility - apple orchards, tractors, open fields, and of course, animals.


The second best thing about my job is when I show clients their images. ::All the feels:: when I get to see their face light up (or even tear up) when seeing their video of these beautiful (and sometimes silly) moments that we captured together. Nothing is better than family.


Boston Photographer | Top 10 Mother's Day Gift Ideas, (and a big announcement at the end)

A few years ago, I started giving gifts based on experiences, and I have to say they are my favorite types of gifts to give. Something you can do together is the best! So here is the list, and most of them (not all) are experienced based. Make sure you read until the end of the post to see May's big announcement just for moms!

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